Knowledge hub
Industry perspectives to stay abreast of the fast-evolving digital asset landscape
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Zumo financial promotions solution goes live
2 mins read
With some UK operators having to pause activity, Zumo’s financial promotions technical flow is now available through our B2B API to support unregistered firms with remaining compliant after the 8 October deadline.
Digital assets 2023: identifying the opportunities across the enterprise landscape
2 mins read
Inspire your strategy with the Digital Assets 2023 report. Packed with insights from practitioners in the industry, Digital Assets 2023 is your distilled view of the digital assets landscape to inform and benchmark your digital asset journey.
Digital assets, sustainability and regulation: the new convergence
6 mins read
Live at SIBOS 2023 in Toronto, Zumo CEO Nick Jones sits down with Fintech Finance’s Editor in Chief Ali Paterson for a fireside chat about the converging strands of sustainability and regulation in the emerging blockchain and digital asset space.
Financial Promotions: Zumo’s detailed review of FCA’s latest guidance
9 mins read
Zumo feeds back on new consumer-targeted rules governing the promotion of cryptoassets.
HM Treasury consultation and call for evidence on crypto 2023
16 mins read
Zumo feeds back to HM Treasury call for evidence on Future Financial Services Regulatory Regime for Cryptoassets.
The march to regulatory clarity
4 mins read
An overview of current and future UK regulatory requirements for financial services companies looking to integrate digital asset services.
CEO’s View: Project (crypto) integration is go
6 mins read
Consultation on future UK regulatory regime proves promise to make good on UK crypto hub ambitions, writes Zumo CEO Nick Jones
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